Sunday, April 8, 2012

Treatment of acne with antibiotics

This post focuses on the Treatment of acne with antibiotics. There are several ways to treat acne, involving the use of both external and internal treatment options. external treatments involve the use of gels, creams and lotions which help eliminate the inflammation that leads to the formation of acne. Treatment usually point to the internal regulation of hormonal and operation of the oil gland, which also lead to the development of acne. However, in some cases, the treatment also includes the application of antibiotics to kill the bacteria which is also a major cause of acne breakouts.  

When it comes to bacteria and their role in the formation of acne is very important to understand the actual mechanism that leads to the problem of acne breakouts before using treatment options such as antibiotics. Many people believe that the bacterial activity of the skin is very harmful and is the direct cause of acne formation. But in reality, acne bacteria found in the skin of those who 'have acne problems as well, and numerous studies have confirmed that in the acne bacteria actually have a beneficial role for a person' s skin condition. 

It turns out that these bacteria are acting as guardians against more types of harmful bacteria that can infect the skin. So, when everything is well balanced, the activity of these bacteria are not seen and do not lead to side effects. However, when things go wrong and there are factors for the development and the increased activity of these bacteria (producing excess oil, skin, rapid excretion, etc.), overactive bacteria begin to contribute to the development of acne and 's exactly where the use of antibiotics is necessary. 

One of the most common antibiotic doxycycline for acne treatment. It is an antibiotic tetracycline class, that is to stop the development and growth of different types of bacteria in the body.  
The drug is often used to treat many different bacterial infections, including sexually transmitted diseases, blemishes, acne and skin infections as well. It 's also commonly used in combination with other antibiotic drugs for the treatment of different types of infections in various parts of the body. 

Doxycycline is popular as an external treatment of acne because of its effects on bacteria without damaging skin or cause other unpleasant side effects. However, when you decide to use doxycycline or other antibiotics for the treatment of acne, you should consult your doctor. Only a doctor can tell you the correct dose of each drug for his specific condition.  

Do not groped to use the drug alone or risk of side effects occurring. Abuse of drugs, especially when it comes to problems like acne outbreaks can lead to more serious and that 's certainly what we want to avoid. So you see, acne can be treated by various methods, and antibiotics are only part of the solution. However, when we chose to use an antibiotic, make sure you are fully aware of what you are doing and the doctor has explained how to use the right drugs for the treatment of the skin.


  1. thank you! this is very helpful. some of your advice actually matches with what my dermatologist have said. but it's still better to consult a dermatologist because they know what type of medication suits your skin, but it will be pretty much the same as what's written here. i was just consistent with my medications and eventually my acne slowly disappeared.

    1. Yes, the best thing to do at the end of the day is to check with your derma. You can also find products that helps clear acne at the side of this blog

  2. i wish you will have an advice on how to remove acne scars.... :(

    1. yes, there is please see the youtube video section..

  3. are you a dermatologist?


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